Monday, October 31, 2011

Survei LSI: Kepercayaan Publik Terhadap Kinerja SBY Anjlok Tinggal 37,6 Persen

Kinerja Pemerintahan SBY-Boediono kembali mendapat sorotan. Hasil survey yang dilakukan Lingkaran Survey Indonesia (LSI) tingkat kepuasan publik untuk lima bidang pemerintahan SBY-Boediono anjlok di bawah 50 persen.

Satu-satunya rapor biru, hanya pada tingkat keamanan saja. Tingkat kepercayaan publik terhadap SBY, juga turun drastis, tinggal 37 persen saja.


Dr Lagina’s Math tutorial

√24/√3 = √(24/3) = √8

= √(4.2) = √4√2 = 2√2

√(81/25) = √81/√25 = 9/5


Bramm S
Blake F
Hailey Y
Jordan A
Kara B

Mathematics – A-level standard.

These are some good examples of operations with surds, using the rules for both multiplication (n√(a.b) = n√a.n√b) and division (n√(a/b) = n√a/n√b). All the working is correct. The sloppy square root sign in the second example extending over the equals sign could be confusing, and handwriting in general isn’t great, but is legible.

Unfortunately, despite this good academic work, Dr Lagina is entirely unsuited to a career in education due to his surname. It would be no use trying to insist on a different pronunciation such as La-GHEE-na as students of any age will still make cruel remarks – it is little wonder that his detention list is so long. It is a shame that no careers officer ever tried to dissuade him from his current employment path, though he is still young enough to change his vocation. It is either that or change his name: even a teacher should be able to afford the £33 fee for a Deed Poll, though perhaps he has already changed it from something even more embarrassing, like Dr Lesticle, Dr Lyphilis or Nick Clegg.

There are a couple of other points to make. Firstly, a different hand has scrawled MOZ on the blackboard. According to Wilson and Kelling’s broken windows theory, a disordered environment signals a place where people do as they please and get away with it without being detected. Like the New York City Transit Authority removing graffiti from their trains leading to a sudden and significant drop in petty and serious crime, this should have been wiped off before the lesson began in a zero-tolerance approach. Not restoring a disordered environment early means that classroom discipline will only deteriorate, a fact surely worsened when one’s surname rhymes with a part of the female genitals. Whether Moz is the Morty who appears on the detention list, or just a deranged Morrissey fan is not clear.

Secondly, the appearance of Bramm S on the detention list raises the questions of how many students with this unusual name there are in this class that they need to be differentiated by their surnames, and whether this is a class consisting entirely of Gothic novelists, though there is no sign of Mary S or Edgar A P, and the works of Jordan A and Kara B must have been sadly lost to the world of literature.

8/10 – Good work, though loses a mark for ‘math’. And remember that sticks and stones may break your bones, but being called Dr Vagina every day of your working life will never hurt you. Though it may cause a career-ending nervous breakdown.

(Many thanks to Wim for sending this picture in.)

Rahasia Menghipnotis Binatang

Hampir semua makhluk hidup dapat dipengaruhi oleh hipnotis, bukan manusia saja. Namun, Anda tidak bisa berharap bisa mengubah seekor kucing menjadi anjing atau sebaliknya; hal tersebut hanya bisa terjadi dalam film kartun.

Hipnotisme pada binatang merupakan sesuatu yang kurang dipelajari secara menyeluruh karena ada banyak faktor yang tidak bisa dikontrol. Yang paling utama adalah binatang

Beberapa Pemain Baru di Timnas Indonesia Jelang Lawan Qatar

Timnas Indonesia jelang partai melawan Qatar, 11 November 2011 nanti, memanggil 26 nama untuk memulai pemusatan latihan di Solo pada hari Selasa 1 November 2011. Beberapa pemain baru pun muncul seperti kiper Hendro Kartiko dan Samsidar.

Hendro Kartiko dan Samsidar menggantikan posisi Markus Haris Maulana yang terpaksa dicoret.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

[Met-Art] Danae A - Estremis

[Met-Art] Danae A - Estremis

FileSonic Download Link

FileServe Download Link

Password: losslessblog

[TeenModels] Nessa Devil - Flawless

[TeenModels] Nessa Devil - Flawless

FileSonic Download Link

Password: losslessblog

Gila Nih Bocah! Pesta Seks di Sekolah

Benar-benar gila! Empat bocah yang yang masih pelajar SMP di Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, menggelar pesta miras dan seks, di sebuah sekolah. Mereka pun merekam adegan seks tersebut melalui handphone.

Dari informasi yang dihimpun, kejadian bermula saat sepulang sekolah Jumat 28 Oktober kemarin, E (14), Tt (16), dan Yy (15), berkumpul

[Joymii] Caprice - Beautiful Masturbation

[Joymii] Caprice - Beautiful Masturbation

At first, Caprice appears shy, but in private, she is anything but - as she shows us in this wonderful, 100% real, moment of pleasure. After putting on her jewlery and pampering herself a bit - which makes her feel "even sexier" she explained - this adorable and sensuous beauty shows you how not shy she is. Slowly, and gently, she begins touching herself as if for the first time. It's so sexy. Pretty soon, she's on her knees, pretending it was you who is touching her, and it only gets better from there. Finally, as if no one else were around, she cums so good... it's such a pleasure to watch! Enjoy!

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FileServe Download Link

Password: losslessblog

[Errotica-Archives] Danae A - Softness

[Errotica-Archives] Danae A - Softness 

Oron Download Link

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